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Concrete Surfaces – Winter 2007
A waterproofing treatment was the answer for a large reservoir project.
Managers required a timely and cost-effective solution for waterproofing the reservoir slab at the Lacombe Park Reservoir in St. Albert, Alberta. The team in charge of the $8.5 million project wanted to minimize winter construction and complete the project quickly to avoid service disruption to the residents of St. Albert, a city of 50,000 just north of Edmonton.
The team also was concerned not only with holding the water in the reservoir, but preventing 22 feet of head pressure from entering the reservoir. Finally, the team required a solution that addressed the possibility of contamination to the drinking water supply.
The team selected a crystalline waterproofing treatment for concrete flatwork that is sprinkled dry to a fresh concrete surface and then troweled into the concrete during final finishing. In this case, the unique Krystol Broadcast chemicals penetrate deeply into the concrete mass, protecting it against the passage of water by filling the concrete’s pores, voids, and capillaries with microscopic, needle-like crystals.
The product withstands 459 feet of head pressure, resulting in a smooth finished floor suitable for typical foot traffic or the application of common floor finishes.
The product can be used in a variety of projects that require concrete waterproofing, such as warehouse and commercial floors, foundation mat slabs, elevated slabs, and parking structures. And, unlike external waterproofing membrane systems, it will not deteriorate, crack, puncture, or wear away. It becomes an integral part of the concrete matrix.
This waterproofing application also has a unique fading dye. The dye highlights where the powder hits the concrete to ensure uniform distribution, making the application simpler, faster, and more accurate. It has been certified non-toxic by NSF International, a worldwide certification provider that develops national standards for food, the environment, and water.
The product can be used in a variety of projects that require concrete waterproofing, such as warehouse andcommercial floors, foundation mat slabs, elevated slabs, and parking structures. And, unlike external waterproofing membrane systems, it will not deteriorate, crack, puncture, or wear away. It becomes an integral part of the concrete matrix.
Kryton International manufactures Krystol Broadcast. For more information, visit or telephone 1-800-267-8280.