Watch Our Webinar: Concrete Repair and Waterproofing: Preventing Damage and Reducing Maintenance Costs - Watch Now
Kryton’s concrete waterproofing and repair systems are designed to protect and extend the lifespan of aging infrastructure. From bridges to tunnels, Kryton ensures lasting performance and minimized maintenance.
KIM is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to create permanently waterproof concrete.
Krystol T1 is a surface-applied crystalline slurry treatment that transforms new or existing concrete into a permanent waterproofing barrier.
Krytonite is the most effective waterproofing protection for construction joints.
The durability and longevity of a structure directly impacts the environmental footprint that structure creates. By using sustainable practices and materials that enhance the durability of infrastructure, Kryton can help you build better, longer lasting cities.
Shotcrete structures can be challenging to waterproof, Kryton’s experience and systemic approach has all the details covered.
Hard-Cem is an admixture for increasing the abrasion and erosion resistance of concrete.
Hard-Cem can deliver valuable and sustainable, low-carbon concrete without compromising on quality or performance.
Kryton’s concrete waterproofing and durability products enhance your concrete structure’s longevity, durability, cost-effectiveness, reliability, and overall quality.
Shotcrete can receive added abrasion and erosion resistance from Hard-Cem without any negative impact on performance.
KAP is an extended warranty that covers the cost of materials and labor required to repair leaks that may occur for 10 years.
KMA is a protection admixture for stucco, masonry mortars, and concrete masonry units. It helps you transform ordinary mortar into a water-proof, crack-resistant barrier that withstands even the harshest elements.
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