Watch Our Webinar: Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025 | Time: 10 am PT / 1 pm ET Concrete Repair and Waterproofing: Preventing Damage and Reducing Maintenance Costs - Register Now
Few building materials have been used for centuries and offer the strength and versatility of concrete. Waterproofing concrete is critical for a functional, reputable and long-lasting structure.
This educational unit will identify the consequences of non-waterproofed concrete. In addition, the course will explore how traditional waterproofing methods are used to protect concrete. Finally, the course will examine integral crystalline waterproofing methods, as well as some case study applications.
• Identify problems that arise when concrete structures are not waterproofed. • Analyze traditional methods used to protect concrete from water and the potential limitations. • Examine Integral Crystalline Waterproofing and best practices for implementation by building professionals. • Explore different applications and projects where Integral Crystalline Waterproofing has provided a solution.
AIA 1 LU | HSW, Canada Potential 1 Learning Credit, PDH Potential 1 Hour
In order to produce a long-lasting, functional structure, any abrasive or erosive forces need to be ameliorated through its design.
This educational unit examines concrete hardening technologies – comparing features and limitations – so the best method can be selected.
• Identify problems that arise when a concrete surface experiences abrasion and erosion. • Analyze common methods used to protect concrete and the potential limitations of each method. • Examine how integral admixtures can improve concrete application for building professionals. • Explore ways that integral admixtures resolved complicated building projects.
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Architecture and Engineering firms who would like to offer credited training to their team may schedule a Lunch and Learn session.