Concrete Waterproofing Glossary


beam cross section consisting of top and bottom flanges connected by avertical web.


a mineral, iron titanate (FeTiO 3 ), that, in pure or impure form, is commonly used as aggregate in high-density concrete.

Impending Slough

consistency of a shotcrete mixture containing the maximum amount ofwater such that the product will not flow or sag after placement.

Inclined-axis Mixer

a truck with a revolving drum that rotates about an axis inclined to the bed of the truck chassis.


a crust or coating, generally hard, formed on the surface of concrete or masonry construction or on aggregate particles.

Indented Wire

wire having machine-made surface indentations intended to improvebond; depending on type of wire, used for either concrete reinforcement or pretensioning tendons.

Initial Curing

deliberate action taken between placement and final finishing of concreteto reduce the loss of water from the surface of the concrete.

Initial Prestress

the prestressing stress (or force) applied to the concrete at the time of stressing.

Initial Setting

a degree of stiffening of a cementitious mixture less than final set,generally stated as an empirical value indicating the time required forthe cementitious mixture to stiffen sufficiently to resist, to an establisheddegree, the penetration of a weighted

Initial Setting Time

the time required for a freshly mixed cement paste, mortar, or concrete to achieve initial setting. (See also final setting time.)

Initial Stresses

the stresses occurring in prestressed-concrete members before any lossesoccur.


anything other than reinforcing steel that is rigidly positioned within a concrete form for permanent embedment in the hardened concrete.

Insoluble Residue

the portion of a cement or aggregate that is not soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid of stated concentration.

Insulating Concrete

concrete having low thermal conductivity. (See also lightweight concreteand low-density concrete.)

Internal Curing

process by which the hydration of cement continues because of the availability of internal water that is not part of the mixing water.

Isolation Joint

a separation between adjacent sections of a concrete structure to allow relative movement in three directions and through which all of the bonded reinforcement is interrupted.