Concrete Waterproofing Glossary


a common clay mineral having the general formula Al 2 (Si 2 O 5 )(OH 4 ) and the primary constituent of kaolin.

Kelly Ball

(1) an apparatus used for indicating the consistency of fresh concrete in accordance with ASTM C360 (withdrawn);
(2) an apparatus used for determining suitability for load application in controlled low strength material (CLSM) in accordance with ASTM D60

Kern Area

the area within a geometric shape in which a compressive force may be applied without tensile stresses resulting in any of the extreme fibers of the section.


a recess or groove in one lift or placement of concrete that is filled withconcrete of the next lift, giving shear strength to the joint. (See also: tongue and groove.)


a wood block or board attached to a formwork member in a building frame or formwork to make the structure more stable.)


a furnace or oven for drying, charring, hardening, baking, calcining, sintering, or burning various materials.