Concrete Waterproofing Glossary


a strip of wood or other fitting attached to or set in concrete or attached tosteel to facilitate making nailed connections.

Natural Cement

a hydraulic cement produced by calcining an argillaceous limestone at atemperature below the sintering point and then grinding to a fine powder.

Natural Pigment

the class of pigments that are produced by physical processing of materials mined directly from the earth (also called natural or mineral pigments or colors).

Natural Pozzolan

a raw or calcined natural material that has pozzolanic properties.

Neat Cement Grout

a fluid mixture of hydraulic cement and water with or without otheringredients.

Neat Cement Paste

a mixture of hydraulic cement and water.

Neat Plaster

plaster without sand.

Negative Moment

a condition of flexure in which top fibers of a horizontally placed member, or external fibers of a vertically placed exterior member, are subjected to tensile stresses.

Negative Reinforcement

steel reinforcement for negative moment.

Neutral Refractory

a refractory that is resistant to chemical attack by either acidic or basic substances.

No-slump Concrete

freshly mixed concrete exhibiting a slump of less than 1/4 in. (6 mm). (See also zero-slump concrete.)

Nominal Flexural Strength

the flexural strength of a member or cross section calculated in accordance with provisions and assumptions of the strength-design method before application of any strength-reduction ( f ) factor.

Nominal Shear Strength

the shear strength of a member or cross section calculated in accordance with provisions and assumptions of the strength-design method before application of any strength-reduction ( f ) factor.

Nominal Strength

strength of a member or cross section calculated in accordance with provisions and assumptions of the strength design method before application of any strength-reduction ( f ) factor.

Non-air-entrained Concrete

concrete in which neither an air-entraining admixture nor air-entraining cement has been used.

Nonagitating Unit

a truck-mounted container for transporting central-mixed concrete not equipped to provide agitation (slow mixing) during delivery.

Nonevaporable Water

the water that is chemically combined during cement hydration. (See alsoevaporable water.)

Nonrecoverable Creep

the residual or nonreversible deformation remaining in hardened concrete after removal of sustained load.

Nontilting Mixer

a horizontal rotating drum mixer that charges, mixes, and discharges without tilting.

Nonvolatile Content

the portion of a material that remains after volatile matter has beenevaporated under specified ambient or accelerated conditions.

Normal Cement

general purpose portland cement, referred to as ASTM C150 Type Icement.

Normal Consistency

the consistency of cement paste satisfying appropriate limits defined in astandard test method, for example, ASTM C187.

Normalweight Aggregate

aggregate that is neither heavyweight nor lightweight.

Normalweight Concrete

concrete having a density of approximately 150 lb/ft 3 (2400 kg/m 3 ) made with normal-density aggregates.


a metal or rubber tip attached to the discharge end of a heavy thick-walled rubber hose from which a continuous stream of shotcrete is ejected at high velocity.

Nozzle Liner

a replaceable rubber lining fitted into the nozzle tip to prevent abrasion ofthe interior surface of the nozzle.

Nozzle Operator

the technician who manipulates the nozzle of a placing machine and controls placement of the shotcrete.

Nozzle Velocity

the rate at which shotcrete is ejected from the nozzle.