Concrete Waterproofing Glossary


overall coefficient of heat transmission; a standard measure of the rate at which heat will flow through a unit area of a material of known thickness.

Ultimate Load

the maximum load that may be placed on a structure or structural element before its failure.

Ultimate Strength

the maximum stress developed in a specimen.


pertaining to mechanical vibrations having a frequency greater than approximately 20,000 Hz.

Unbonded Member

a prestressed-concrete member post-tensioned with tendons that are not bonded to the concrete between the end anchorages after stressing.

Unbonded Tendon

a tendon that is permanently prevented from bonding to the concrete after stressing.


the base mortar, usually horizontal, into which strips are embedded and on which terrazzo topping is applied.


concrete containing an insufficient proportion of fine aggregate to produce optimum properties in the fresh mixture, especially workability and finishing characteristics.


particles of aggregate passing a designated sieve.

Underwater Concrete

concrete placed underwater by tremie or other means.

Unit Masonry

a construction element consisting of masonry units.

Unit Water Content

the quantity of water per unit volume of freshly mixed concrete excluding water absorbed by the aggregate.


not firmly made, placed, or fixed; subject to deterioration or disintegrationduring service exposure.