Concrete Waterproofing Glossary


development of yellow color or cast in white or clear coatings as a consequence of aging.


(1) the volume of freshly mixed concrete produced from a known quantity of ingredients;
(2) the total mass of ingredients divided by the densitymass of the freshly mixed concrete;
(3) the number of units produced per bag of cement or per batch of concre

Yield Point

the first engineering stress in a test in which stresses and strains are determined for a material that exhibits the phenomenon of discontinuous yielding, of which an increase in strain occurs without an increase in stress.

Yield Strength

the stress at which a material exhibits a specific limiting deviation fromthe proportionality of stress to strain.


(1) a tie or clamping device around column forms or over the top ofwall or footing forms to keep them from spreading because of the lateral pressure of fresh concrete;
(2) part of a structural assembly for slipforming that keeps the forms from spreading