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Krystol Internal Membrane™ (KIM®) is a crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture that eliminates the need for conventional external waterproofing membranes and saves time, money, and hassle at the construction site and over the lifetime of the concrete. It transforms concrete into a water-resistant barrier by becoming an integral part of the concrete matrix. When it comes in contact with water, KIM reacts with unhydrated cement particles to form millions of needle-like crystals. These crystals grow and fill the naturally occurring pores in concrete, permanently blocking the pathways for water.
Krystol chemicals lie dormant within the concrete matrix. Future water intrusion triggers the crystallization process again, causing additional crystals to grow. The crystals fill the cracks, pores, and capillaries to ensure the structure’s waterproofing barrier is maintained and protected.
—Kryton International