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Concrete Technology Today – Vol.2 2009
Around the world, smart builders are increasingly recognizing the demand for “green” building practices. No longer a fringe movement or niche sector, green building is quickly becoming a necessary and profitable part of every firm’s best practices.
As a result, the building materials industry is fast tracking the introduction of new eco-friendly products to the market, designed to help developers stay at the forefront of design and construction. While the industry welcomes new and innovative products, it is important not to discount the value of some products that have been in use for decades. These products have withstood the test of time and have proven reliability.
KIM eliminates the need for conventional external waterproofing membranes.
In business since 1973, Kryton International develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of products designed to waterproof, repair and protect concrete structures. Using crystalline technology, Kryton’s products blend the best of both worlds – they have been tried, tested and proven effective at waterproofing and they meet and exceed the green challenge.
While concrete on its own has huge advantages as a green building material, making it waterproof using old-fashioned, externally-applied membranes is less acceptable in today’s eco-conscious environment. External membranes are often petroleum based and are typically applied using adhesives with high volatile organic compounds. Oil from conventional membranes can also leach out and contaminate ground water.
More project managers, developers, architects and engineers are turning to crystalline admixture waterproofing solutions to meet the green challenge. Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is the world’s leading and original integral crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture.
KIM eliminates the need for conventional external waterproofing membranes, saving time and waste. It was the first crystalline admixture to be available in mixer-ready, pulpable bags.
KIM transforms concrete into a water-resistant barrier by becoming an integral part of the concrete matrix. When combined with water and concrete, KIM reacts with un-hydrated cement particles to form millions of needle-like crystals. Over time, these crystals grow and fill the naturally occurring pores in concrete, permanently blocking the pathways for water.
KIM has the unique ability to reactivate even years after the initial application. Krystol chemicals lie dormant within the concrete matrix. Future water intrusion triggers the crystallization process again, causing additional crystals to grow. The crystals fill the cracks, pores and capillaries and ensure the structure’s waterproofing barrier is maintained and protected.
Kryton products, particularly KIM, answer the demand for green in a variety of ways:
Kryton products are a solution to today’s pressure to change the way we build. Strong, waterproof concrete, waterproof from the inside out, is integral to tomorrow’s environmental sustainability.