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Concrete International – March 2010
Awards to be presented at the spring convention
In Chicago, IL, at the upcoming ACI Spring 2010 Convention, ACI will recognize 32 members who have been honored with the rank of Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (FACI). The new Fellows will be introduced during the Opening Session and Awards Program on March 21. The spring convention is scheduled for March 21-25 at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers. More information on the convention can be found at
As stated in the ACI bylaws, a Fellow is an individual who has made “outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products, and structures in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction, or management.” The Fellows Nomination Committee selects those to be considered for the award, and then forwards its recommendations to the Board of Direction for final action at each fall meeting of the Board. Nominations may come from the committee itself, from local chapters, from the International Committee, or by petition signed by at least five current ACI members. The ACI Board of Direction approved the nominations of this latest group of honorees at the ACI Fall 2009 Convention in New Orleans, LA. Including the new honorees, 731 members have attained the rank of FACI, first established by the Institute in 1973.
As approved by the ACI Board of Direction at the ACI Fall 2009 Convention in New Orleans, LA, the 32 members being elevated to the rank of Fellow of the American Concrete Institute include:
Kari Yuers has been Chief Executive Officer and President of the Kryton Group of Companies, based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada, since 2001 and has focused on developing award-winning products that create dry and durable concrete structures through integral crystalline waterproofing. She joined Kryton in 1991 as Vice President, Technical Services.
She is Chair of ACI’s Convention Committee and a member of the ACI Educational Activities Committee, International Committee, Student and Young Professional Activities Committee, Strategic Plan and Task Group, and ACI Committees 212, Chemical Admixtures; 362, Parking Structures; E701, Materials for Concrete Construction; and E702, Designing Concrete Structures. Yuers served on the Construction Liaison Committee, and she co-chaired the ACI Spring 2003 Convention in Vancouver.
Her research interests include concrete admixtures related to permeability, durability and sustainability of concrete structures, and materials for concrete repair and protection.
Yuers attended the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.