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Arab Construction World – July 2010
Bringing potable water to the residents of Jalisco province in Mexico has been a challenge for years. Between breaks and leaks in the distribution water lines, leaks in the water tanks, surface contamination and political wrangling, service to the region has been fraught with difficulty. For people living near Colonic, Belenes, a dependable safe water source was needed.
The Belenes water containment tank was built 10 years ago, but had never been put into use. It needed a major re-surface treatment. There were cracks in the walls and in the slab. The tieholes needed waterproofing treatment. Major repair was needed to ensure a dependable and healthy source of drinking water.
The government body charged with supplying potable water and sewer services to the Jalisco region, SIAPA, had previous experience with an innovative product manufactured by Kryton International Inc. and used for waterproofing concrete. Two years previously, SIAPA’s technical director gave Kryton a real-life trial by seeing if their integral crystalline waterproofing could repair SIAPA’s water tank in nearby Mesa Colorado. Delighted with the outcome, SIAPA included Kryton’s integral crystalline admixture and repair system – Krystol – in its specifications for all future concrete repair and construction projects.
Proyectos Y Construcciones Geo, S.A. was assigned as the application contractor. Knowing that the contractor was unfamiliar with its products, Kryton ensured that their representative was on site to train staff and oversee the application.
Kryton recommended that its Krystol Crack Repair System be used throughout the project. Using integral crystalline waterproofing technology, the company’s system transforms cracked and leaking concrete into a permanent, water-resistant barrier. When applied to cracks, joints and concrete surfaces, the Krystol proprietary chemicals react and grow millions of needle-shaped crystals. These unique crystals grow deep into the concrete to fill and block the capillary pores and microcracks and stop the migration of water through the concrete. Since this waterproofing technology becomes an integral and permanent part of the concrete itself, its effectiveness as a waterproofing barrier is not contingent on its ability to form and maintain a coating or membrane on the surface of the concrete. This means that it can never be punctured, damaged or worn away and will last for the lifetime of the concrete.
The Crack Repair System consists of three products: rapid-setting Krystol Plug which stops any flowing water; the active integral crystalline product Krystol TI, which provides the permanent waterproofing; and a strong, waterproof, non-shrink grout called Bari-Cote to cap off and finish the repair. Normally Krystol T1 is applied as a brushed slurry over and around the repair, but in the case of the Belenes tank, the entire tank received two coats of Krystol as a brush applied slurry.
Not only does the Krystol system ensure that the Belenes water tank will be waterproof, the Krystol line of products are also certified safe for contact with potable water by NSF International (certified to NSF/ANSI std. 61) and have zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Work on the project began in February 2010 and is expected to be complete by August. The new goal of the Jalisco Water Authority, SIAPA, is to meet the most demanding world standards for water by 2012.