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Career Move | Rolf Skala
New Job: Director of Marketing
Employer: Kryton International Inc.
Old Job: Consultant; BrandVisioneering
Quote: The future depends on what we do in the present. – Mahatma Gandhi
Reading: Who’s Your City by Richard Florida Worst Fear: Losing the ones you love…
Gadgets: 2 Blackberry Bolds – don’t ask why!
Education/Credentials: MA in History & Sociology from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
First Job: Cleaning out a barn when 10 – in exchange for driving the farmer’s Toyota Jeep over jumps!
Original Aspiration: Being a pilot to drawing pictures – I flew into advertising in London instead.
Role Model: People with spirit and zest for life and the self evident realization that we’re here for a limited time – so make the most of it!
Number of E-Mails a day: 20 – 60 depending on what’s happening
Number of Voicemails a day: 2-10
Number of Facebook Friends: excess of 200
Essential Website: and my other love
Best Perk: At work – Being able to share time with some of the best people I’ve met in Vancouver. From my marketing team to the Executive team I’m continually impressed by the Kryton positive ethos. At home – Sleep – I have a lively 7month old daughter!
Sports/Hobbies: Rowing, love my Hudson mahogany racing single and my 60’s Alfa Romeo sports car.
Place and Topic of Last Conference: Las Vegas, World of Concrete – watching our CEO, Kari Yuers give a great presentation on Kryton and being a manufacturing company based in Vancouver, Canada, be a success on a global stage.
Career Objective: Drive Kryton International growth globally and for Kryton be recognized as the leader in Crystalline concrete waterproofing.