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Despite the obvious advantages in terms of time saving, durability, superior quality of construction and more acquired by applying a chemical system, process awareness of end users is a major hurdle. “At the 2nd International Construction Chemicals Conclave, Bengaluru where we were Associate Sponsors, it was shocking to be informed that an estimated 85% of industry members were hazy about the value of construction chemical application.” says Mr Akhil Kakkarg General Manager, Kryton Buildmat.
“Conveying the benefits over an additional cost, typically 1-2% of the project cost is required” feels Mr Patil. “lf some systems such as EIFS. PU insulation foam are used, it might increase by a percent or so. What is most important is that this 1-2% value products, actually decide the quality and life span of the whole structure. If clients, contractors and specifiers recognize this aspect, most of the problems occurring due to use of substandard quality products can be averted. Moreover, these products must be applied only by trained applicators and strictly as per the manufacturers instructions.
Cutting down on surface preparation, mixing methods, primers and curing, could result in major faiIures.” he says. Mr Kommajosyula concurs as he tells us “The major challenges that we face are low product and process awareness of end users. It is really a challenging task to convince a customer to change his traditional methods and adopt new technology. There is no knowledge, understanding and seriousness by the decision makers in the industry. The greatest challenge is to educate the engineers responsible for on the projects.”