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Kryton products have been tested extensively and approved for waterproofing concrete drinking water containment, says RAJESH SHRIVASTAVA, General Manager-Sales at Kryton Buildmat Company Ltd in an interview with Jeyson Nadar.
Firstly, can you give us a brief background on the company – its products and manufacturing facility? RS – Kryton Buildmat is an Indian subsidiary of Canadian based Kryton Holding Inc. that specializes in developing, manufacturing and distributing specialty protection products for construction, improvement and repair of industrial, commercial as well as home projects.
To cater to the fast growing need in India, Kryton International Inc, Canada established a manufacturing base in India and a subsidiary Kryton Buildmat Co Pvt Ltd in 1997, Kryton’s India plant manufactures concrete waterproofing and specialty coatings products in Haryana whereas its offices and administration facilities are located in Delhi and Gurgaon. Its range of products include concrete waterproofing solutions like Krystol Internal Memmbrane – (KIM), Krystol T1, Krystol T2, Krystol KMA, Krystol Plug, and Krystol Baricote. Today, we are thc worldwide leader in the manufacturing and distribution of crystalline concrete waterproofing systems.
Since 1973. Kryton products are distributed in more than 40 countries and are requested by architects, engineers, building owners and facility managers around the globe.
Kryton’s Krystol Baricote serves to be a better water resistant, how different is it from all the other products of Kryton? Which are the areas if is applied? RS – Krystol Bari-Cote is cement based powder that when mixed with water produces a fast coating or grout. Krystol Bari-Cote contains organic chemicals that react chemically with concrete to form hydration crystals which will grow deep into the concrete to eliminate the ability of moisture to de-bond the coating.
Krystol Bari-Cote has superior bonding characteristics that lock onto the substrate giving permanent adhesion making it an ideal material for repairing cracks and damaged areas in concrete and masonry. It can withstand water head of+ 50 M. It has a very fast setting time and gains strength up to 4.8 mpa in 2 hrs. It is used for crack repair along with Krystal T1 and Krystol T2 and also useful for honeycomb repair and tie holes. It is vcry useful for anchoring.
What are the versatile functions of Krystal Internal Membrane (KIM) and the areas it serves? RS – Krystol Internal Membrane is an integral admixture used during placing of concrete. As per the latest guideline of ACI 212, it meets the requirement ofproducts which fall under Permeability Reducing Admixture For Hydrostatic Condition (PRAH). There are only {ew products worldwide which fall under PRAH category. By using KIM admixture a considerable amount of time can be saved out of the project schedule. It eliminates the need for costly waterproofing membranes, liners or coatings and protects reinforcing steel from corrosion. It reduces shrinkage and cracking. It also provides excellent resistance to waterborne chemicals such as sulphates and chlorides.
Can you take us through the projects where Kryton’s products have helped create sustainable structures? RS – We are associated with number ofprojects both in Government as well as private sector. Our products are being used in CPWD, Refineries, Metro, Hydal Projects, huge car parking and basements, reservoirs, huge water retaining structures, podium, landscape and hardscape areas around India. During the waterproofing work of Parsavnath City Mall, which was developed by Parsavnath Developers, required the highest quality waterproofing. The project required very high quality of Concrete and Krystal T1 was specified, used and appreciated.
Similarly for the Amazon Regalia, jasola, New Delhi where KIM and Krystol T1 were specified, used and appreciated for retaining wall, basement raft, extended basement, roof terrace, underground tank and overhead tank.
As per report, India accounts for 80,000 deaths through surgical infection, what safety measures are practiced by the company in deterring these deaths? RS – It is important for products to be non-toxic and green and have the required certifications as proof for the same. For example, Kryton products are certified with NSF/ ANSI Standard: Drinking Water System Components – Health Effect. Kryton products have been tested extensively and approved for waterproofing, concrete drinking water containment by NSF International. US environmental Protection Agency, Departmcnt of Agriculture, Health and welfare. Canada and Bureau de Normalisation du Quebec.
Can you take us through various awards and recognition bagged by the company since its establishment? RS – In November 201 1, for the fourth consecutive year. Kryton had been named one of the best companies to work for in British Columbia, Canada. Apart from numerous worldwide certifications and successful projects, we have has also won the ‘Most Innovative Product’ award at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas. Our Global President and CEO, Kari Yuers. were awarded the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2003 in the Business- to-Business category, and has returned in subsequent years as a judge for the same award.
How does Government’s stricter environment regulation impact the industry? RS – lt is always advisable to use environmentally safe product. Government regulations will eliminate use of sub-standard products and help us to provide our society with environmentally greener products. •