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Safe investments – that’s the promise behind the last concrete waterproofing technology developed by Canadian firm Kryton. “The systems used Krystol crystallization technology to ensure comprehensive protection of concrete on possible migration of water, preventing moisture buildup in the structure and therefore no iron oxide that is inside,” says Mexican engineer Alfonso Urquidi, commercial director of the company for the Latin American market. Guatemala was in a couple of weeks ago. Urquidi ensures that a single application of the product is enough to forget about the problem for life, while Kryton is willing to guarantee it for 25 years, as long as legally accepted in Canada to offer something as collateral. “The builder has only one chance to do things to avoid later headaches causing moisture. It’s simple, we have an additive that is mixed with concrete to crystallize and thus is sealed for life, well born and waterproof concrete, “the engineer, as you except that you also have the option of ensure this system with old buildings. “It is therefore important that the surface is free of any product, then applied the Krystol system on it like a painting for the crystals penetrate and seal the tunnels through which passed above the water.” In the case of old buildings, the effectiveness of the product is only guaranteed for the next ten years.
“The process needs to know what each building is done hand in hand with Kryton from day one, we send to the factory structural design and assemble them as if it were a doctor, a specific recipe for this project” continues Duratop Raymond Vernon, exclusive representatives Kryton products for Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama. The Canadian company oversees, though, that the proceedings are conducted optimally under the rules of the American Concrete Institute. This crystallization system is widely used in international projects “concrete saw”, so fashionable right now, and those that include the popular “green roofs” in vertical buildings, because with it ensure zero moisture leaks. “The new University of Monterrey, which will be ready in early 2014 includes Krystol technology. This architectural work has a LEED Platinum certification for quality and environmentally friendly features that use “continues Urquidi, who also refers to the artificial channel two-kilometer waterway built in that Mexican city, Santa Lucia, whose control of leaks moisture due one hundred percent guaranteed security community itself (below). The system is ideal for swimming pools and water features , especially when these are placed in vertical construction and are suspended at some point.
“The price is not a factor, Krystol is cheaper than almost everything on the market, despite its benefits,” concludes Urquidi, while Vernon says architect for design flexibility that facilitates the system is something never seen before. To agree with him just need to see the pool suspended 180 meters long that was on the top floor of a casino in Singapore (pictured).
How does the product work?Concrete is like a sponge – absorbs water because it has pores, and dries the kind of tunnels that formed in the process remain open. “Over there continues to enter the water on one side generate moisture in the building, and on the other, to reach the rebar that goes inside, this will be subjected to a process of corrosion so it rusts and swells, causing the internal stress in the later construction translates into cracks, “says the engineer Alfonso Urquidi, Commercial Director for Latin America at Kryton International Inc. crystallization technology blocks and fill, these capillary pores so the water does not pass and the structure becomes a safe investment. “The concrete structures crack always somewhere, but to put this technology, the water flowing through these tunnels also internal crystallize render a self-sealing capacity without the intervention of human hands, it is a cementitious crystalline material “Urquidi said. The product reduces the permeability of concrete, improves the hydration reaction and its 100% hydrophilic.
“Kryton products has more test certificates issued by third party labs than any other product in the world,”Raymond Vernon, Duratop.
Contact Duratop cell: 35 2365-8933