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Concrete is one of the most ancient and durable construction materials and water is its most dangerous enemy. Since concrete is a porous material, water always seeks the path of least resistance topenetrate the concrete and the reinforcing steel. Therefore, without adequate waterproofing, the construction integrity is compromised.
How to solve?
Kryton’s concrete waterproofing solution to this challenge is a crystalline admixture that “is the only one that waterproofs concrete permanently,” Eng. Alfonso Urquidi Urquidi (Kryton LA Territory Manager). “Additionally Kryton offers a full line of systems to waterproof tie holes, pipe penetration, cold joints and repair concrete cracks”
Architect Carlos Ibarguen (Duratop International) says “in the short term you can reduce up to 40% your waterproofing costs and maximize the life of your structure. In the long term you eliminate the failures, discoloration, corrosion and high repair cost. This technology renders to your structure multiple benefits that nobody can ignore.”
The Inventor
Kryton is the inventor of this crystalline admixture better known as KIM that has been used since the 80s. KIM has been used in China, Argentina, Australia, USA, Canada, UEA.
“The application options include dams, waste water treatment plants, drinking water reservoirs, underground tunnels, marine structures and any concrete structure subject to water damage migration,” said Vernon.
Text Leon Aguilera Radford. Information sources: Eng’s Alfonso Urquidl (Kryton), Eng Raymond Vernon, & Arqchitect Carlos lbargilen. Duratop