Watch Our Webinar: Concrete Repair and Waterproofing: Preventing Damage and Reducing Maintenance Costs - Watch Now
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Sustainable building practices are more important now than ever before. Providing a durable and environmentally friendly solution to concrete leaksand deteriorationcan directly impact the long term environmental and financial viability of a structure.
Most concrete crack repair methods are only temporary fixes, and contain harmful toxins. Using integral crystalline waterproofing technology, Kryton’s Krystol Crack Repair System transforms cracked and leaking concrete into a permanent, water-resistant barrier. When applied to cracks, joints and concrete surfaces, the Krystol proprietary chemicals react and grow millions of needle-shaped crystals. These unique crystals grow deep into the concrete to fill and block the capillary pores and microcracks and stop the migration of water through the concrete.
Since this waterproofing technology becomes an integral and permanent part of the concrete itself, its effectiveness as a waterproofing barrier is not contingent on its ability to form and maintain a coating or membrane on the surface of the concrete. This means that, unlike surface-applied membranes,crystalline waterproofing technology can never be punctured, damaged or worn away, and will last for the lifetime of the concrete. This results in a real, long-term financial benefit to the owner, as it means fewer repair or replacement costs.
Not only does the Krystol system ensure that the concrete will be waterproof, the Krystol line of products are also certified safe for contact with potable water by NSF International (certified to NSF/ANSI std. 61) and contain zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Choosing products that minimize the impact on the environment and at the same time reduce the need for future repairs both contribute greatly to the overall sustainability of the concrete structure.
Source: Canadian Design & Construction Report