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Kryton International Inc. is the inventor of Integral Crystalline waterproof; ensuring concrete structures have a watertight seal since 1973. Kryton’s innovative line of products use their Krystol Technology to help build durable, reliable and waterproof structures that save projects both money and time, both during building and after due to the self-sealing aspects of the products.
As concrete sets, water needs to flow out of the concrete and toward the surface where evaporation takes place. In doing so, the water makes tiny pathways or capillaries, which, when dry will allow a passage for water to infiltrate the concrete. When combined with water, Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane’s (KIM) proprietary chemicals ready to form millions of needles-like crystals. These Crystals grow and fill the capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete, blocking the flow of water. As time passes and stresses form new cracks, any incoming moisture causes the crystals to reactivate, ensuring continuous waterproofing over the life of the structure. In essence KIM makes concrete the waterproofing barrier instead of adding a risky external membrane, which is prone to punctures and comes with a laborious and costly installation process.
The benefits of using KIM cannot be understated. The use of Kryton’s admixture lowers the cost of waterproofing by as much as 40 per cent, helps shave weeks off of construction schedules, reduces the cost of maintenance and repairs and is safe for contact with potable water and certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects. Not only that, according to the American Concrete Institute ACI 212.3R, “Chemical Admixtures Report on Concrete”, KIM is the only permeability reducing admixture that is fit for use in hydrostatic conditions. This means that Kryton’s KIM admixture is the only crystalline waterproofing product that has demonstrated hydrophilic crystalizing performance.
Kryton’s KIM is a permanent waterproofing solution for your concrete structure, increasing the durability of your project and, in the end, its lifespan. Kryton has offices all over the globe and 50 distributors in 40 countries, as well as the most advanced laboratory in the industry, where constant improvements are tested to ensure the best waterproofing products are used in your concrete project.