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Across the globe, the construction industry is shifting its focus towards sustainable structures. The industry is demanding structures that are resilient and do not put a strain on the ever depleting resources. India is no different. The country is moving towards constructing a better future by designing buildings in a manner that do not put a drain on dwindling resources or harm the environment, but will also have an extended lifespan.
As defined by the United Nations Environmental Programme — Sustainable Buildings and Construction Initiative and United Nations Environmental Programme — Finance Initiative, some of the key attributes of sustainable buildings include:
These attributes highlight the fact that every step of the construction process is equally responsible for creating a sustainable and resilient structure, This also stresses importance not just on the construction processes, but also the products and materials used to create the structure.
When we talk about building, concrete always comes to the top of our mind. Concrete is the most used man-made material in the world, encapsulating a vast amount of our cities. Concrete is used so much because it is a durable and readily available product, which can also be recycled at the end of life. In ideal circumstances, concrete is able to resist weather action and chemical attack. Unfortunately, there is evidence globally that buildings are deteriorating far earlier than expected.
Due to the concrete’s porous nature it can be prone to early deterioration due to chloride/sulphate attack, corrosion of steel reinforcement and other water-borne issues. Concrete alone, though durable in nature, is unable to eradicate the infiltration of water completely. Thus, it needs a support system that increases durability and resilience and further, the sustainability of a building.
Without question, the greatest enemy of concrete is the ingress of water and waterborne chemicals. Therefore, in order for a concrete structure to sustain a life span in accordance with decreasing the harmful effects that construction has on the environment, it must be watertight. However, the market is flooded with different waterproofing solutions. One solution is a surface applied membrane, which is installed on the outside of the concrete and forms a barrier to block the ingress of water. Unfortunately, the costly and risky installation process can result in punctures in the waterproofing membrane, which cause delays and can cost more money. Further, a surface applied membrane is difficult to repair because it can be inaccessible and hard to locate the failed area.
Integral Crystalline Waterproofing (ICW) is another solution, which makes the concrete a waterproof barrier instead of using more material. ICW admixture is added at the batching plant or directly to the concrete in the ready-mix truck. ICW is also a permanent solution, becoming part of the concrete and resisting cracks or wear. Other benefits of ICW include:
Krystol Growth in the crystalline waterproofing industry is Kryton International Inc For 42-years, Kryton has been delivering products that have stood the test of time and have helped create many sustainable landmarks across the globe, Kryton’s patented and award-winning Krystol Technology and flagship product, Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) waterproofing admixture, delivers durable concrete time and time again. KIM uses water, and acts as a catalyst to create long, narrow crystals within the concreteitself. These crystals permanently fill the pores, capillaries and hairline cracks of the concrete, and continue to grow throughout the concrete in the presence of moisture.
Once the concrete has cured, the crystalline chemicals sit dormant until another dose of water (such as through a new crack) causes the chemical reaction to begin again. The ability to reactivate in the presence of water gives KIM-treated concrete the ability to “self-seal”. When cracks form due to curing shrinkage, settling, seismic activity, etc., water entering through them causes new crystals to form and grow, blocking and filling the cracks‘ This ability to self-seal can help to dramatically reduce the long-term maintenance and repair costs of a concrete structure.
In India, Kryton Buildmat Co. Pvt, Ltd (Kryton-India) is celebrating its 20-year anniversary of delivering high value performing products. Setting up the first crystalline manufacturing plant in lndia, Kryton-India has customised crystalline waterproofing solutions to meet the ever changing demands of the Indian construction Industry.
Sustainability has been an intrinsic aspect of the company’s product range, which is one of the reasons why only locally available materials are used to manufacture products. Assuring dry structures that are healthy and hygienic to live and work in, every product is non-toxic, non-hazardous (NSFI approved for potable water) and easy to apply.
“At Kryton-India, we have always tried to create products that help create a green tomorrow,” says, Mr. Ajay Kudesia — Vice President, Sales and Marketing. “Using only the best, locally available raw materials. our solutions are flexible enough to meet any design requirement and adapt to the need of the structure, its inhabitants and the environment,” adds Mr. Kudesia.
Kryton promises a customised solution to help create durable structures that build a sustainable tomorrow.
For further details contact: Kryton Blildmat C0. Pvt. Ltd.Email:, Web:
Source: Civil Engineering & Construction Review