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Vancouver, B.C., (September 4th, 2014) — The fact is, it is likely that someone you know is battling through a disability, whether it be a friend, family-member or co-worker. Unfortunately, as it stands, far more individuals dealing with disabilities are likely to be unemployed when compared to the rest of the population. This unemployment is based on the barriers that they face physically, or barriers that aren’t physical.
The government of British Columbia, with the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation’s Presidents Group is proclaiming B.C. as Disability Employment Month in an effort to create awareness of the importance in creating inclusive, diverse workplaces. Kari Yuers, FACI, President & CEO of Vancouver based Kryton International Inc. and Presidents Group member believes that creating awareness around Disability Employment will further contribute to the effectiveness in implementing the B.C. Government’s Accessibility 2024 plan.
“The more awareness we can provide on the subjects of diversity and inclusiveness, paying close attention to disabilities, the more buy-in we will be able to create from companies and businesses,” Yuers says. “Awareness of disability employment issues is the first step in this process and what better way to bring attention to it than dedicating an entire month to it.”
British Columbia is already a province with some of the most comprehensive support in the country; however, Yuers asserts that changing attitudes, creating new opportunities and adapting more comprehensive accessibility measures need to continue forward. Yuers states that the government alone isn’t going to create an inclusive, accessible workplace, but rather, it is in the hands of company and organizational leaders and managers.
“The government can only do so much to spring accessibility in the workplace for disabled employees forward,” Yuers continues. “The work is squarely in the hands of those who can make an immediate difference and work directly with employees on an everyday basis.”
“An issue like this shouldn’t need to be resolved from the government, but instead be mandated by the companies and organizations themselves, creating a workplace accessible to everyone.”
Yuers is challenging leaders and managers to interact with employees, ensuring them that they understand there is an outlet for disabled employees to have an open dialogue in requesting changes in the workplace, while leading the charge for diverse, inclusive workplaces.
About Kryton International Inc.
Kryton International Inc., named as one of B.C.’s best places to work four years in a row, is the inventor of the crystalline waterproofing admixture and has been waterproofing concrete structures with its proprietary Krystol technology since 1973. Kryton is a pioneer of crystalline waterproofing and leads the industry today through its active involvement with the American Concrete Institute, International Concrete Repair Institute, American Shotcrete Association and many other thought-leading organizations. Kryton manufactures and exports its products to more than 50 countries globally.
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