Watch Our Webinar: Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025 | Time: 10 am PT / 1 pm ET Concrete Repair and Waterproofing: Preventing Damage and Reducing Maintenance Costs - Register Now
Krystol Magazine 13.2 provides readers with a profile of Kryton’s Waterproofing of the Madushan Dam in China, information about nuclear power construction standards, green practices and Kryton news worldwide.
Krystol Magazine 13-1 features the Krystol project of the year the the Marina Bay Sands – as well as exciting news from Kryton who has risen to third best employer in BC. In addition, there is information on how to best use Kryton products to waterproof concrete and also green building practices that are fulfilled … Read More
Krystol magazine 12-1 features 10 reasons to choose the KIM admixture over waterproofing membrane systems, information about waterproofing concrete tank structures, news from the American Concrete Institute and how to build an Optimum Performance home.
Krystol Magazine 11-2 provides an in-depth look at integral crystalline waterproofing, illustrates how Kryton products can waterproof shotcrete, provides information about Kryton’s free continuing education courses, details green building tips, features Kryton news & products and a spotlight on Southeast Asia.
Krystol Magazine 11.1 features the unique properties of crystalline waterproofing technology, examples of Krystol technology in action and regional reports from North America, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Southern Asia.