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29 Sep 2014
The nation of Brunei is located on the north coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. The country promotes innovation and has always thrown a keen eye on sustainable building best practices. This was the case when plans for the Anggerek Desa Technology Park (ADTP) was in the planning stages, which was being built in the nation's capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. The new technology center would feature an 8-storey commercial building with a neighboring multi-level car park.
The Brunei Economic Development Board wanted the design to be energy saving and incorporate 'green' features in the design in order to achieve a target Green Mark (Gold) Certification from the Building and Construction Authority in Singapore. To achieve these sustainable building expectations, the best and highest quality products needed to be used. It was also important to the architect, engineer and owner that proven products that have gone through third party testing be considered.
The project team decided that Kryton's Krystol technology was the best choice, providing a sterling reputation with numerous successful projects world-wide. Krystol technology also goes through more independent and 3rd party testing than any other crystalline waterproofing product. In this application, Krystol T1 and T2 was used for the ADTP's flat roof, which is typically an area prone to water ingress. Both products were also used for the gutters, toilets and for the car park roof slab. In total, over 3,895 m2 (12,778 ft2) of Krystol T1 and T2 was used to ensure a watertight concrete structure.
A project like this was also on a rigorously tight schedule, which meant products used in the construction process not only had to work without fail, but also installed and applied efficiently. The project team experienced an ease in applying both Krystol T1 and T2, which ended up saving them valuable time. As of writing, both products are working as specified, leaving the Technology Park leak-free.