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22 Oct 2010
The Belenes water containment tank in the Jalisco province of Mexico was built 10 years ago, but never put into use. The tank needed a major re-surface treatment. There were cracks in the walls and in the slab and the tieholes needed waterproofing treatment. Major repair was needed to ensure a dependable and healthy source of drinking water.
The government body charged with the region’s water supply, SIAPA, had previous experience with Kryton International Inc. Two years previously, SIAPA gave Kryton a real-life trial by seeing if the integral crystalline waterproofing could repair SIAPA’s water tank in nearby Mesa Colorada. Delighted with the outcome, SIAPA included Kryton‘s integral crystalline admixture and repair system – Krystol – in its specs for all future concrete repair and construction projects. Including the Belenes water tank.
Kryton recommended that its Krystol Crack Repair system be used throughout the project to transform the concrete into a permanent, water-resistant barrier. Using Krystol waterproofing technology, Kryton’s system keeps concrete structures dry by becoming a part of the concrete matrix.
The Krystol Crack Repair System was a perfect fit for SIAPA because it:• is safe for potable water (certified to NSF/ANSI std. 61)• contains Zero VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)• permeates the surface and is not affected by surface wear or abrasion• protects reinforcing steel from corrosion• provides a permanent waterproofing solution• resists hydrostatic pressure of up to 140 m (153 yd)