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22 Sep 2001
The swimming pool is situated on the 5th floor in the office building of Dalian Sunbetter Group, in the same length of the building and uses the slab of 5th floor as its bottom slab. This kind of design requires the corrosion resistance for rebar, as well as the prevention of cracks and leakages caused by the settlement of the building. Crystalline products and flexible waterproofing products were used together to achieve this dual protection effect.
Krystol T1 and Krystol Baricote were used to repair cracks, honeycombs, defect and exposed rebar. Wall through pipes, cold joints, tie rods and inside corners were all treated with Krytol T1 and Krystol Baricote as well. Krystol T1 slurry was applied onto the wet pool surface to make the whole structure waterproofed permanently. After curing 28 days, Urethane waterproof coatings were applied on the top to provide a seamless surface.