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22 Oct 2013
In 2012, Boston's Mayor Thomas M. Menino made a commitment to the city of Boston to continue the stalled revitalization of East Boston's port-side waterfront. The very first development is called Portside at Pier I, consisting of three buildings (5, 6 & 7) for a total of 472 residential units with 393 parking spaces underground. Ground level will feature retail space, as part of the larger community oriented, multi-use plan for the waterfront project.
Some concern rose, however, over multiple environmental studies predicting rising sea levels between one and two feet around Boston in the next 35 years. The three waterfront buildings would need a permanent, proven waterproofing system for its below-grade levels, due to its close proximity to the damaging seawater.
Due to many positive previous experiences with the products, the engineers confidently specified Kryton's Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM), a concrete waterproofing admixture. KIM has the ability to turn the concrete itself into a watertight concrete barrior, and is added directly to the concrete itself. KIM then reacts with water to create permanent crystals, which block the passage of water throughout the internal capillaries of the concrete. KIM's effectiveness has also been proven in long-term, independant tests as a proven corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel under harsh salt water conditions, making it the ideal choice for waterfront, floodprone structures. Over 12,000 cubic yards of concrete was waterproofed with KIM, including the mat slab, foundation walls, sump and lift pits.
To fully tank the structure, Krystol Waterstop System was used to waterproof over 10,000 lineal feet of construction joints and pipe penetrations. Using the same technology as the KIM Admixture, Krystol Waterstop Triple Protection System offers an effective, impenetrable , watertight seal at all joints and tie-holes. Using Krystol Technology, a fully tanked and integrated structure was achieved without the need for any traditional membranes.
Kryton's Northeast exclusive distribution partner, New England Dry Concrete, ensured that the project progressed smoothly and provided crucial sales and technical support throughout the construction of the three buildings. Through consultative services, countless site visits, on-site training and supervision, New England Dry Concrete was integral to the project’s success.