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17 Jul 2011
Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) is tasked with managing the water supply to Barcelona’s five million peopleand more than 100 municipalities and industries in the area. In 2010 ATLL began a $200 million Europroject to connect two of their networks – Llobregat and Ter. The new connection included a pumpingstation, pipes, service tunnels and a ventilation chimney. The original construction did not call for Krytonwaterproofing products, but during construction many leaks began to appear.
Kryton’s local distributor in Spain, Quimther Quimicos was approached for the repair work on the job.Quimther recommended Kryton’s Krystol Leak Repair System for all the leaking areas followed by acoating of Krystol T1 and Krystol T2 all over to prevent further leaks.
Kryton’s sales manager for the area was brought in to help with this large repair job. The connectionis now in operation supplying critical water for the Barcelona region.