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24 Apr 2011
The Oakland Zoo opened in 1922 and since then has grown significantly. The zoo houses over 600 animals including goats, bears and elephants. In 2011 the zoo decided to take on four new tigers. The old pool they had in the tiger exhibit wasn’t in use because it leaked, but with the addition of four new tigers the pool would be needed.
The pool hadn’t been in use for some time and was full of cracks; major repairs were needed before the new tiger’s homecoming. Moreover, the eventual waterproofing solution would need to stand up to the tiger’s claws.
The zoo identified Kryton’s crystalline concrete waterproofing system during their online research and review process and ascertained Kryton products would be a perfect fit because it would not be affected be abrasion (especially important considering the big tigers propensity to use their claws to dig and compromise the integrity of the structure).
The cracks were filled with Kryton’s Krystol Bari-Cote and Krystol T1. Then the whole pool received a coating of Krystol T1 and Krystol T2 waterproofing treatment. After a week the pool was filled and ready for the tigers to enjoy!
Central Coast Waterproofing donated the labor and Kryton distributor, Hill Brothers Chemical Company donated the waterproofing materials to ensure that the tigers can now cool off in the warm summer months for years to come.