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22 Oct 2002
SPS Septic Precast Specialties Inc. is a precast company specializing in septic tanks, grease traps, dosing tanks and pump tanks for the commercial and residential markets in Atlanta, GA. SPS is a progressive company that understands the need for improved environmental performance. SPS began testing of Krystol Concrete Waterproofing Systems in July 2002.
Tanks are built in sizes ranging from 31800 to 11,000 (1,000 to 3,000 gallons) for a multitude of purposes. Waterproof tanks are in high demand, with many customers wanting to get away from traditional tar applications. SPS recognized a shift in Health Department specifications requiring protection from septic leaching as well as ground water seepage into tanks causing excessive pump wear.
In October 2002 SPS began performing crack testing of Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) self-sealing characteristics under the observation of the Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health, Environmental Health & Injury Control Branch. A crack was intentionally placed in the septic tank full of water using a sledgehammer. An over-zealous whack actually caused a chunk of concrete to fall off and the water was "running freely" out of the crack.
Within days the flow had reduced dramatically, by the 2nd week, it was just a wet area and by the 4th week the crack has sealed completely. Other smaller cracks more resembling settlement cracks sealed up within a few days. Subsequently, the state department has written a letter of approval for KIM use in these tanks.