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21 Sep 1998
The water table in Croatia is very high and traditionally concrete homes have problems with water penetration. As well, Croatia undergoes dramatic weather cycles, resulting in many problems with water seepage. Code requirements call for a roof membrane. However, in September, 1998 the first waterproof home was built in Europe without an exterior membrane system.
Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) admixture and KIM Joint Design were used for all the concrete walls and floors to completely replace the need for external membranes or asphalt coating. The results were excellent and the decision was made to proceed with KIM concrete and joint design for the suspended roof. To date the walls, floors and roof of the residence are dusty-dry on the inside. In fact, the roof is so watertight that drainage was required, which is not commonly needed due to leakage. The owner was so impressed with the result of the project and materials that he took on the distribution rights for the region.