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01 Feb 2013


  • Location Seguin, Texas, USA
  • Owner City of Seguin, Texas
  • Distributor CMC Construction Services, Dallas TX branch

To ensure a constant supply of drinking water during Seguin’s hot dry summers, the city invested in a 7 million gallon water tank. The tank was found to be leaking in 2012, and the repair team chose to use Kryton repair solutions because Kryton’s products saved them time, have a track record of consistent performance, and promised to enhance the durability of the concrete structure. Kryton’s waterproofing products are certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water Components and are safe to be used in contact with potable water.


To repair the leaks, the team worked from inside the tank to chisel out a chase over each crack to ensure that the Krystol Waterstop Grout would adhere to sound concrete. Then, the inside of the tank was coated first with Kryton’s Krystol T1 and then Krystol T2. The team also used Krystol Bari-Cote as a parge coat to repair areas with spalling and honeycombing damage, because Bari-Cote provides rapid crystalline waterproofing protection over large areas. Its rapid set characteristics and ability to achieve a high compressive strength at a rapid rate, allowed the concrete structure to return to service sooner and enabled the repair team a chance to provide a reliable system that will prevent future disruptions. All of these products contain Krystol® technology which chemically reacts with water and unhydrated cement particles to form insoluble needle-shaped crystals that fill capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete and block the pathways for water. This means the concrete itself becomes the permanent waterproof barrier. This technology also has a self-sealing capacity, and any moisture introduced over the lifespan of the concrete will initiate new crystallization, ensuring permanent waterproofing protection.

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