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22 Sep 2000
Different sections in the stations for the new subway line in Shanghai faced problems due to sulfate attack, chloride penetration and corrosion.
An effective waterproofing system and a watertight corrosion free concrete solution were needed to overcome these problems. The system had to provide cost effective quality and low cost maintenance while performing without membrane or coatings.
The Krystol T1& T2 Waterproofing System and Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) where chosen for simplicity of use and for their abilities to lower long-term maintenance cost.
Over 60 metric tons of Krystol Technology went into the precast tunnel sections applied directly to the concrete mix. Even under the hydrostatic pressure of the Huangpu River KIM’s performance has already proven effective.
An average of 5 metric tons of the surface applied Krystol T1& T2 Waterproofing System was utilized in each station to effectively solve water passage and to provide effective protection to the reinforcing steel.