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28 Nov 2012
Terraces on the Park is a seven-story building located in a river valley. Terraces, combines classic brick and concrete with unique architectural detail to create a notable building. Each suite features great views and as the name suggests sophisticated recessed balconies.
The building’s river valley location also means the building sits on a high water table and there is significant hydrostatic pressure, so waterproofing would be essential for all below grade areas.
Impeccable finishing and a leak-free structure were vital for this project as some of the company’s own principals would be making the building their home.
The construction team was working on a fast paced schedule and couldn’t afford any delays. They selected Kryton’s Krystol Concrete Waterproofing system to waterproof the below grade areas as well as the large terraces. Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) concrete waterproofing admixture was an easy choice because it is simply added to the concrete at the batch plant or onsite and the concrete waterproofing is combined right in the concrete; there is no need to store material or schedule time to apply an external membrane, as well they were able to waterproof the terraces while maintaining the building’s unique architectural finish.
KIM admixture was used to waterproof the foundation walls, slab on grade, two levels of below grade parking and the building’s stunning terraces. Kryton’s Krystol Waterstop System was also used to waterproof the joints and tie-holes for a completely tanked structure.