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24 Sep 2000


  • Location Donegal, Ireland
  • Owner James & Eilieen Doogan
  • Contractor I.C.C.T. Ltd.
  • Distributor I.C.C.T. Ltd.

The Gate House was built in 1865 from hand cut stone. The home was occupied for 100 years by a farm manager and his family. In mid 1960 the Gate House was unoccupied and subsequently became very dilapidated. The old sandstone became very dirty and moisture was penetrating the home.


In July 2000, the sandstone exterior of the cathedral was cleaned with Spray & Shine and power washing. The stone was then repaired and pointed with a special mortar of lime and sand (no cement). Krystol Hydrostop was finally applied to the exterior and with great success.

Over several years the Gate House has been painstakenly re-constructed by its present owners. In May 2000, Spray & Shine was used with a high pressure sprayer to clean the exterior sandstone. The results of the cleaning were excellent. After cleaning, the stone was sealed with Krystol Hydrostop, which will eliminate moisture penetration and help keep the stone clean and free of mildew. The owners were very pleased with the restoration work completed.

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