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13 Sep 2014
As Austin’s trendiness and population grew, so did the need for clean water. However, there were significant political, funding and environmental challenges to getting Austin’s Water Treatment Plant No. 4 (WTP4) built. After years of challenges, there was cause for celebration when WTP4 was successfully commissioned and started up in November 2014. The plant can treat 50 million gallons of water per day with expansion capability to 300 mgd. The facility includes an intake system in Lake Travis, a raw water tunnel and pump station; a treatment plant and the Jollyville transmission main. The waterproofing needs of the project were extensive as containment tanks, tunnels and the treatment facility all needed to be waterproofed. Additionally, the project was charged with the goal of attaining a US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver rating for the new buildings. Shortly after the structure was built, they noticed that the 59,000 square foot roof was leaking through a variety of shrinkage cracks. They needed a permanent solution that could withstand seasonal temperature differientials that would also have little to no future maintenance / life cycle cost.
The project team chose Kryton’s Krystol T1 &T2 Waterproofing System to permanently waterproof their concrete roof. Austin Engineering was able to apply the products efficiently, safely and effectively to keep the project on schedule. In part, this choice was made because both products are safe for contact with potable water and certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects. Additionally, the Krystol T1 & T2 is applied to the surface of the concrete which becomes integrally waterproofed as crystals grow into the capillary pores and micro-cracks in the concrete and block the pathways for water. For this project over 59,000sq ft of concrete was waterproofed using Krystol T1 & T2. After completion, the WTP4 buildings achieved a Silver rating through the LEED national rating system. Kryton’s products helped contribute to achieving some of those valuable LEED points.