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21 Sep 2009
The Zenith Corporate Park development in Kelana Jaya, Malaysia, is slated to be the city’s leading business centre. This nine acre (36,000 square meter), fully integrated commercial district is designed to accommodate Kelana Jaya’s expanding commercial activities. Through its combination of residential units, office facilities and retail spaces; it will offer residents a one-stop center to fulfill the dreams of an urban lifestyle for all in Kelana Jaya.
Zenith Corporate Park has a total floor space of more than 93,000 square meters (1,000,000 square feet). This includes 80 lots of 3 & 4 story retail/office units with lifts, two blocks of serviced apartment with a retail podium, one corporate tower and more than 1,800 parking spots.
When selecting concrete waterproofing systems, the project team had several key concerns. First, given the project’s scope and timeline, affordability and ease of application were critical. Knowing that some concrete waterproofing systems deteriorate over time, they wanted a system that would be long lasting to minimize future repair costs and inconvenience to tenants and their patrons.
After considering several options, the project team selected Kryton’s Krystol Concrete Waterproofing System. The Krystol system uses advanced integral crystalline waterproofing technology to transform porous concrete into a permanent, water-resistant barrier. It provides a guaranteed defense against water damage and steel reinforcement corrosion.
When combined with water and concrete, Krystol causes millions of needle-like crystals to grow and spread throughout concrete, filling the spaces between concrete particles and permanently blocking the movement of water and waterborne contaminants. If cracks form later on, incoming water causes additional crystals to grow again, filling the cracks and ensuring that the structure's waterproofing barrier is protected.
The Krystol Concrete Waterproofing System eliminates the need for external waterproofing membranes, which saves construction time and costs. It provides maximum flexibility and can be used any time before, during or after the construction process. Unlike external waterproofing membranes, Krystol will not deteriorate – it’s guaranteed to last the lifetime of the structure. The Krystol Concrete Waterproofing System includes:
More than 67,000 kg (148,000 lbs) of KIM, and 12,800 cubic meters (17,000 cubic yards) of KIM-treated concrete were used in the basement slabs and elevator pits of Zenith Corporate Park. Plus, the Krystol Waterstop system was used to treat 1,500 meters (500 feet) of joints in the retaining walls and basement slab-to-slab areas.
Zenith Corporate Park is scheduled for completion in mid-2009.