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24 Sep 1992
The Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park located in Shanghai is a large technology park with over 110 research and development institutions and over 300 companies including large multi-nationals such as Citibank and SAP. At this particular building in the technology park, the originally installed waterproofing membrane had failed and leaks inside the walls were a problem.
Local distributor, Shanghai Hui Ming Decoration Engineering Co. Ltd. was introduced to the technology park’s owner and recommended the Kryton line of products to provide a permanent solution to the leaking building. 1000 square meters (10,764 square feet) of the old mortar was removed from the leaking wall. Kryton’s Krystol Bari-Cote, a waterproof grout, was used to make good the surface of the deteriorated block. The Bari-Cote was then topped with a two centimeter (0.787 inch) layer of mortar treated with Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA). KMA is a specially designed chemical admixture for cementitious mortar. It contains Kryton’s unique Krystol technology that reacts with the cementitious materials in the mortar to dramatically reduce permeability and water absorption of mortar rendering over brick, block and other masonry walls.The owner was very pleased with the result and with the ease that the project was completed. The owner benefited from a solution that improved the durability and reduced his overall repair costs. Over 2000 kilograms (4,400 pounds) of Kryton’s Krystol line of waterproofing products were used to complete the waterproofing repair work.